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02P120-D1D1-GKZ1 Monoblock Control Valve

Directional control valves are one of the core elements in a hydraulic system. They help directing the fluid to different components. P120 series are monoblock directional control valves and manufactured with up to four levers.

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 2P120 D1 D1 GKZ1 | 2P120-D1-D1-GKZ1 | 2P120D1D1GKZ1 BADESTNOST

Badestnost Directional control valves are one of the core elements in a hydraulic system. They help directing the fluid to different components such as hydraulic cylinders or motors.

Directional control valves perform three functions:

  1. Stop fluid flow
  2. Allow fluid flow
  3. Change direction of fluid flow.

There is a part called «spool» inside control valve which can be operated mechanically or electrically. The movement of the spool lets oil flow or blocks the oil flow in other words it controls the movement of fluid. Hydropack provide monoblock directional control valves with different capacities and spool control options.

* Spool is open center “D” spool with spring return. Working port threads (A & B) are G 3/8"

* Max. Pressure P: 250 bar, T: 50 bar, A-B: 300 bar


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